Business Hours

8:30 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM

Cancellation Policy

- Deposits are typically nonrefundable. Discuss with your artist any questions regarding cancellations and rescheduling. -Deposits must be made by 7pm the day of inquiry, or the following morning if the inquiry was made after hours. - A new deposit will be required for rescheduling a second time. - Deposits may be made through cash, cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay or the booking website. -NO SHOWS will result in a 30% charge of the service/s. -Retouch is not included. -Retouch will require its own deposit. - If you are more than 15 minutes late to the appointment, you will have to reschedule and pay an additional fee starting at 20$. - All appointments must be rescheduled at least 48 hrs before appointment time. -All deposits pertaining to tattoos will vary depending on desired art. Please discuss with your artist. -Tattoo and Permanent makeup consent forms will be sent before appointment, please make sure the listed ph# is accurate. - Uploading your desired artwork will help your appointment go along smoother and faster. please do so, if you’re able to. - For sanitation purposes only one guest may be allowed, no underaged, unattended children please. -Poor communication with the artist may result in getting black listed from our services. Please communicate with your artist, we understand things happen. ❤️